From the Rector
Transfiguration Leadership I wanted to catch you up on some changes in parish leadership over the last few weeks. Senior Warden: Mike Robinson is our new Senior Warden. Thank you, Mike for taking on this role. Treasurer: Joseph Villa has been elected our parish Treasurer. He is taking on this role from Bob Adams who has served as our treasurer for more than 3 decades. Thank you for your agreement to serve, Joseph. Treasurer Emeritus: Bob Adams has been appointed Treasurer Emeritus by the Vestry, in acknowledgement of his three decades of service, and because he will be acting as a 'consultant' to the new Treasurer as needed. Thank you for your service, Bob. Our Vestry has committed again to a team system for the year to come, we have a Finance Team, a Site Team and a Ministry Team. The team memberships are as follows: Finance: John Tornquist (co-chair), Bill Peters (co-chair), Joseph Villa (Treasurer). With other members including: Jan Jensen (Human Resources), Tim Fox (Endowment), Claudia Dierkes-Banks (Stewardship). Site Team: Matt Longnecker (Junior Warden and Chair of this team), Bob Adams, Shannon Yonker, Jessica Jobe-Sea. Ministry Team: Gari Patton (Convenor), Bethany Luckach (Clerk to Vestry), Kristen Kearns, Skip Howie, Ellen Peters, Mike Robinson (Senior Warden). The Ministry Team will focus on Faith Formation, Liturgy and Outreach/Inreach. Members of the congregation will be invited to participate in its planning meetings as the year progresses. Please pray for our leaders as they serve our whole community. Love, Matthew+ News & Announcements Volunteer Board At our Annual Meeting we put up a volunteer board with opportunities that align with our parish vision. Please go and have a look during coffee hour and sign up for things you would like to do to help us achieve our vision as a parish this year. 'Crazy Christians' Book Group Our book group met for the first time this week. It was exciting to share reflections on our new Presiding Bishop's book 'Crazy Christians' together. Please read chapters 7-8 for this week's Wednesday discussion groups at noon (bring a bag lunch) and 6pm. RSVP to Monica for the evening session so our host will know how much soup to prepare. This Weekend: Women's Retreat Monica, Fran and many women of Transfiguration are away at The Bishop's Ranch for the Women's Retreat. Keep them in your prayers for a wonderful time together and a safe journey back home. Youth Exploring Confirmation (Feb-May) Over the next four months, several youth are participating in Transfiguration's confirmation exploration program to discern what it means to make a mature commitment to life-long faith formation and Christian service. Confirming Our Faith in the World is an interactive experiential program developed specifically for our parish youth. Please pray for our youth and their young adult mentors during this time of discernment. Our congregation will celebrate with all youth and adult participants on Sunday, June 5th at the 10 am service. Chili Cookoff Join in on Family Fun at the 3rd Annual Chili Cook-Off This Saturday, March 5 at 5:30 in the Parish Hall. Taste the chili offerings from various members of the community. Craft beer tasting will also be featured - beers from microbreweries in the Bay Area and beyond. We invite people to enjoy their beers responsibly. This event benefits the church music program. Distil Dinner Club Our ministry for young adults is meeting in a dinner club setting March 13th, 6:15pm. We will discuss the first chapter of Crazy Christians, our book group book for Lent. Bring along crazy food combinations for this potluck supper at Dawn Bailey's. Questions? contact Dawn. Transfig Teens Transfig Teens will be joining with other churches on March 13th, 5-7pm for an Agape Meal. Please RSVP to Matthew so we can provide a count. Chapel Time & Kids Club Sign-ups Now is the time to sign up for the rest of the program year for these ministries. Please follow this link to find the sign ups. Thanks! St. Margaret's Guild Thank you to all who donated items to the St. Margaret's Guild Community Outreach Basket supporting the layette program at St. Luke's Medical Center, SF, providing pre-natal and ante-natal care to mothers who have limited resources. Happy Birthday: David Lintott on Wednesday, Jane Lintott and Janine Barger on Thursday, Emily Maia on Friday, Jacqueline Manning on Saturday. This Week Sunday, February 28 The Third Sunday of Lent 8:00am Traditional Eucharist 9:30am Joyful Noise Eucharist 10:30am Musical Eucharist 1pm Women's Retreat Weekend concludes Monday, February 29 3:15pm Snake Dragon Club-Japanese language storytime(classrooms) 7pm FA Meeting (Parish Hall) Tuesday, March 1 9am Morning Prayer(Good Shepherd, Belmont) 6:30pm New Millennium Chamber Orchestra rehearsal (Church) 7pm AA Meeting (Parish Hall) Wednesday, March 2 9am Morning Prayer(Chapel) 10:30am Gospel Preview(Parish Hall) noon-1:30 Lent Book Group(Parish Hall) 3:15 -5:45pm Looking Glass Korean Learning Center(classrooms) 4-5:30pm Looking Glass -Dance class (Parish Hall) 6-7:30pm Lent Book Group(Parish Hall) Thursday, March 3 9am Morning Prayer (Chapel) 9:30am Staff Meeting(Matthew's) 10am Transfig Fireflies(Parish Hall) 7pm Transfig Choir Rehearsal(Church) 7:15pm Penin. Young People's AA (Parish Hall) Friday, March 4 3-5pm Girl Scout Brownie Mtg (Parish Hall) Saturday, March 5 5:30pm Chili Cookoff & Craft Beer Tasting 8:45-11:15am Looking Glass program (classrooms) Sunday, March 6 The Fourth Sunday of Lent 8:00am Traditional Eucharist 9am-noon Youth Confirmation Session 2 10:00am Community Eucharist 6-9pm Sine Nomine Rehearsal(Parish Hall)
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