From the Rector
Easter Sunday - #guidemyfeet The women got up early on the first day of the week, just before dawn, they probably did not know what to do next, their friend was dead, their community was shattered, their journey was at an end and I am sure they felt numb. A good friend, and recovering alcoholic recently told me that: "when uncertain or confused about the next step to take we pause and ask God for the next right thought, or next right action. We will inevitably then be guided in the right way." The women who got up that morning did not know what to do I am sure, but perhaps they paused and asked God for the next right thought or action. Their decision, to go and embalm Jesus, to be kind and loving. I am not surprised, they had been following him for years and his ministry and example had impacted them. Their choice for the next right thing to do was to be loving, kind and generous. When we are facing difficulties and darkness, or our journey is ending in apparent hopelessness, do the same thing. Pause and ask God for the next right thought or right action. You will inevitably find that, when you open yourself up to the guidance of God in this way, the next right thought or action will be to be kind, generous or loving to yourself or another human being or to the world that God has made. You may then also encounter what these women encountered that morning... something completely unexpected. Early most mornings I get up and go for a walk on Bair Island, a recently restored wetland on the edge of the bay very near to my house. In the early 20th Century this wetland area had levees constructed and was drained. I have watched as it was restored and I have loved seeing every moment of that restoration. I get there at about the same time each day, so I encounter the tide at different stages each time I go back. Sometimes high, covering over what is going on beneath, sometimes low so that I can see the birds feeding by the edge of the water as life teems in the fertile sand. It reminds me of the energy of God returning over and over again to us. It reminds me that we must be open to the life of God washing over us, bringing disruption, bringing chaos sometimes, but always bringing life. Dawn on Easter day is a very special time for me. It is the core of my own faith experience. I am moved every time I consider the resurrection, the fact that the divine does not abandon us, even though we might cause God pain. God comes back, not just once on the first Easter morning, but over and over again, like the tide, washing over us. I went through a painful experience about 8 years ago now. It happened late in the winter, and the process of recovery took until spring the next year. I remember vividly standing up to preach the sermon I had prepared for the dawn service on Easter day. I found myself experience the energy of God's life restoring me as I preached to others. I began to cry during the sermon. I recognized in that moment that no terrible thing could ever prevent God from returning to me with life and grace. There I was, standing in the tomb that morning, and I had to learn that I should not be looking for Jesus in the place of the dead, but I should turn around and look out of the tomb and see his life coursing through the world. Then I should catch up with it, because he was ahead of me, in Galilee, or Pimlico, or San Mateo bringing life to those who were dead. Alcoholics who have entered recovery, grieving parishioners in need of comfort, broken family systems that are restored, infidelities confessed and repaired, seemingly irreconcilable differences that dissolve into harmony. I have seen all of these things take place in churches where I have had the privilege to minister, and I believe that every one of them is a manifestation of the energy of resurrection. Love, Matthew+ News & Announcements Refreshments on Easter Sunday Please note that we will be offering an Easter Brunch and Coffee Hour in the hospitality entrance, adjacent to the Memorial Quiet Garden on Easter Sunday at 10am. This is for everyone in the community and will start just before the Easter Egg Hunt. That wonderful event, beloved by so many of our children, will start at 10:15am. Please make sure you stay after the Joyful Noise Eucharist of Easter, or come early for the Musical Eucharist of Easter to take part in brunch and the Easter Egg Hunt. Good Friday Offering for the Diocese of Jerusalem During Lent each year we make a symbolic journey to Jerusalem, remembering the events in our Lord's life and especially those which took place during Holy Week. Every Good Friday since 1922, all Episcopalians have been asked to make offerings to support the work of the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem and the Middle East as a way of uniting ourselves with those who live there today. The Diocese encompasses 37 parishes and 33 schools, medical facilities and vocational training schools throughout Israel, Palestine, Jordan, Lebanon and Syria. The doors of it's facilities are open to all regardless of faith tradition. Several members of our congregation have visited many of these schools and parishes and Matthew will do so when he visits the Land of the Holy One next month. Indeed, he will be carrying our gifts with him when he travels there. Envelopes designated for this special offering have been available throughout Holy Week and are still available in the narthex TODAY. Please make checks payable to Transfiguration, with Good Friday Offering noted in memo line. If you would like to know more about the work of the Diocese of Jerusalem, please see this website: Rector and Assistant Rector schedules in coming weeks Matthew will be here throughout the next week until April 6th when he flies to Israel in the late evening. Monica will be away to preside at her grandson Benjamin's Baptism during the first week of Easter and returns on April 6th. March 28th - April 6th - For pastoral emergencies, call Matthew. April 6th and onwards -For pastoral emergencies, call Monica. This Week Sunday, March 27 Easter Sunday 6:30am Dawn Vigil, Lighting of the Easter Fire and First Eucharist of Easter 9:00am Joyful Noise Easter Eucharist 10:15am Easter Egg Hunt and Coffee Hour 11:00am Festival Musical Eucharist of Easter Monday, March 28 3:15pm Snake Dragon Club storytime(classrooms) 7pm FA Meeting (Parish Hall) Tuesday, March 29 9am Morning Prayer(Good Shepherd, Belmont) 6:30pm New Millennium Chamber Orchestra rehearsal (Church) 7pm AA Meeting (Parish Hall) Wednesday, March 30 9am Morning Prayer (Chapel) 10:30am Gospel Preview (Parish Hall) 7pm Zen Meditation Group (in Chapel) Thursday, March 31 9am Morning Prayer (Chapel) 10-noon Transfig Fireflies (Parish Hall) 2pm Staff Meeting (Parish Hall) 7:15pm Penin. Young People's AA (classrooms) Friday, April 1 3:30pm Girl Scout Brownie Troop (Parish Hall) Saturday, April 2 Sunday, April 3 The Second Sunday of Easter (the first Sunday of the Month, two services only.) 8:00am The Traditional Eucharist 10:00am The Community Eucharist ( combined Joyful Noise and Musical Eucharist) 6-9pm Sine Nomine Rehearsal (Parish Hall) Sunday, April 10 The Third Sunday of Easter (back to the pattern of three services today.) 8:00am The Traditional Eucharist 9:30am The Joyful Noise Eucharist 10:30am The Musical Eucharist
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From the Rector #guidemyfeet If you read my Easter invitation letter you will see that I figured out where God was guiding my feet this Lent. It seemed to happen by accident at first, but I wound up going out for early morning walks just before dawn. As time went by the accident became an intention and going for a walk at dawn, whilst saying my personal prayers, has turned into a rich part of my own Lenten preparations for Holy Week. Where has God been guiding you during this season of Lent? If you have not asked God to guide you there is still time. What questions are you asking about your direction, or your faith, or grief, or your future? What are you asking about the meaning of your life and how you can live into the new life we are all offered by God - especially as the season turns from Lent to Easter. I want to invite you to consider how you are going to make your Holy Week more intentional and personal this year. We offer many opportunities to serve. There are signup sheets in church today that you can add your name to if you want to do something. One thing I would particularly ask you to do this year, if you have never been to the early service on Easter Day, join us this time. We are starting it five minutes before dawn. It is a wonderful service full of deep meaning. It may be the place where you find the guidance you need for your next steps in faith. Love, Matthew+ News & Announcements Holy Week Volunteering After an invitation in last weeks 'Journey' we have had many offers from volunteers to help during Holy Week, there are just a few areas where we still need help. Please email [email protected] if you are willing to undertake any of the following: -Acting in the Palm Sunday passion Narrative. -Helping set up furniture on Palm Sunday at 8:30am, then putting it back again at noon. -Easter Egg Stuffing at noon next Sunday. -A coordinator for the meal on Maundy Thursday. -Testimonies to loss and hope on Good Friday at noon. -Setting up and reading the passion narrative at the Good Friday Taize service. -At the Easter Dawn service we need: - a welcomer - three story tellers - a fire safety officer - a breakfast maker For Easter coffee hour at 10am we need people to bring in food. Please see sign-up sheet. Transfig teens - Tonight We will be joining with St. Matthew's, St. Paul's and Trinity for an Agape Meal on March 13 at 5pm. Meet at St Paul's Burlingame at 5pm for the event. Pick up is from there also. Today: Distil Dinner Club Our ministry for young adults is meeting in a dinner club setting again during the season of Lent. Tonight, March 13th, 6:15pm we are meeting to discuss the first chapter of Crazy Christians, our Lent book group title for the whole parish. Bring along crazy food combinations for this potluck supper at Dawn's home. Today: Girl Scout Sunday Girl Scouts have participated in the first four steps toward earning the "My Faith, My Promise" pin, with Rev. Monica and Michele Maia. Today at the 10:30 am service, the girls will participate in leading parts of the worship service and will receive their pins. Second Harvest Food Bank The Second Harvest food barrels in the Narthex are empty and ready to receive your donations of non-perishable food items to help feed the hungry in our community. We will be collecting food donations through Palm Sunday. Bob Adams will deliver them to the Second Harvest Food Bank during the following week. Thank you for your support of those in need. Youth Exploring Confirmation (Feb-May) Several youth are participating in Transfiguration's confirmation exploration program for their 3rd session this morning. Please pray for our youth and their young adult mentors during this time of discernment. Holy Saturday Work Day In preparation for Easter, our Junior Warden is planning a parish workday on March 26, 9am-noon. If you love to wield a paint brush, a hammer, or some pruning shears, please mark your calendar. Even if you can't attend, your input is valued. Please send Matt an email: [email protected] or leave a note in the parish office with your suggestions of what we should fix or spruce up on the workday. Happy Birthday: John Garrish today, Matt Krause on Monday, Keith Jobe on Thursday, Kelsey Popa and Josephine Kearns on Saturday. This Week Sunday, March 13 The Fifth Sunday of Lent 8:00am Traditional Eucharist 9am-noon Youth Confirmation Session 3 9:30am Joyful Noise Eucharist 10:30am Musical Eucharist noon Palm Sunday drama read-through noon-1pm Transfig Choir Rehearsal 5-7pm Transfig Teens to Agape Meal at St. Paul's with other Penin. youth 6:15pm Distil Dinner Club at Dawn's Monday, March 14 3:15pm Snake Dragon Club storytime(classrooms) 6:30pm Ministry Team Mtg (at Robinson's) 7pm FA Meeting (Parish Hall) Tuesday, March 15 9am Morning Prayer(Good Shepherd, Belmont) 7pm AA Meeting (Parish Hall) Wednesday, March 16 9am Morning Prayer(Chapel) 10:30am Gospel Preview(Parish Hall) noon-1:30 Lent Book Group(Parish Hall) 3:15 -5:45pm Looking Glass Korean Learning Center(classrooms) 4-5:30pm Looking Glass -Dance class (Parish Hall) 6-7:30pm Lent Book Group(Parish Hall) 7pm Zen Meditation Group (in Chapel) Thursday, March 17 9am Morning Prayer (Chapel) 10am Transfig Fireflies(Parish Hall) 11am Parish Care Committee (at Gari's) 2pm Staff Meeting(Parish Hall) 7pm Transfig Choir meeting with Matthew 7:15pm Penin. Young People's AA (Parish Hall) Friday, March 18 3:30-5pm Girl Scout Brownie Mtg (Parish Hall) Saturday, March 19 8:45-11:15am Looking Glass Learning Ctr(classrooms) 7-9pm Kathy An Cello Student Recital (church) Sunday, March 20 The Sunday of the Passion: Palm Sunday 10:00am All Parish Community Eucharist Holy Week & Easter Palm Sunday, March 20, 10:00am A parish-wide Eucharist which will begin outside on the hill with a palm procession to the church and the Passion Play. There will also be storytelling and an activity for the children. Maundy Thursday, March 24, 6:00pm Agape Meal in the parish hall, a procession to church and stripping the Altar and start of the Vigil. Maundy Thursday, 8pm through Good Friday, 10am Vigil with one hour shifts through the night. Good Friday, March 25 noon Liturgy of Good Friday 2:30pm Remembrance in the Memorial Quiet Garden 7:00pm Taizé service Holy Saturday, March 26 9am - noon Parish Work Morning 2-3:30pm Choir Rehearsal (church) Easter Day, March 27 7:00am Vigil & First Eucharist of Easter 9:00am Joyful Noise Eucharist 10:15am Easter Egg Hunt and Easter coffee hour 11:00am Festival Musical Eucharist of Easter Second Sunday of Easter, April 3 8:00am Traditional Eucharist 10:00am Community Eucharist Third Sunday of Easter, April 10 8:00am Traditional Eucharist 9:30am Joyful Noise Eucharist 10:30am Musical Eucharist From the Rector
We wondered together in the Fall, we reviewed our vision in January at our Annual Meeting, and asked God to help guide us through Lent. The staff and Vestry have been approaching things at Transfiguration differently in the light of your feedback. We have been experimenting with new approaches to faith formation and program provision and we have tried to be creative as we maximize our gifts. I have been stretched by this, at times I have been tired, but I have also been deeply moved by signs of engagement and spiritual growth in our community. All of our Lent meditation packs were taken home, and more had to be made - so many of you are exploring your faith at home. Up to 20 people have joined in our Book Groups and more are reading our Lent book at home. About 12 people have engaged in the Episcopal 101 course. There are 5 youth engaged in Confirmation preparation. New members have joined us almost every Sunday and we are seeking to welcome them to our conversation about faith at Transfiguration as warmly as we know how. Welcome particularly to Saskia, Lissa and family, Melody, Andy and Tracy, Micah and Jennifer and family, Hillary, Ryan and Helaina. We are loving getting to know you. Our Vestry has met and had a dynamic retreat, thinking of new ways of working so that we can serve our whole community during 2016. There are moments where we have to pause and take stock. As we engage in new ways of working we sometimes trip over ourselves like a teenager who just went through a growth spurt and cannot quite gauge how long their limbs are. I have noticed a sense of generosity and trust as we have tried new things though. Thank you for that, it is a sign of the Spirit moving amongst us as we are guided by God. As I say, this has been a rich season already and there is more to come: more welcoming, more confirmation classes, more conversations about being Episcopalian, more book group conversations and more candles. Our pathway is taking us in a particular direction. We are being guided towards Jerusalem and Holy Week. Our Holy Week services are communal offerings, and I would like your help in putting them on this year. We want our Holy Week to be filled with the energy of the community. I need your input in shaping, planning and delivering these services. Monica, Fran and I will of course celebrate and preach, but I hope that our Easter becomes a community offering of praise. Our services are as follows. If you are interested in helping in the ways I ask below, let me know as soon as possible. Palm Sunday - 10am - this parish-wide service starts on the hill and processes to the church where we experience the drama of Holy Week in the form of a Passion Play. Help needed: actors for the play (need to be willing to do a read through on Sunday, March 13th after the 10:30am service), people to help move furniture. Maundy Thursday - 6pm - We have an Agape Meal in the parish hall remembering the Last Supper of Jesus and his friends, then a procession to church where we strip the Altar and begin a Vigil. Help needed: a coordinator for the meal, people to help set up and clean up before and after the meal, people to sign up for the overnight vigil. Good Friday - noon, 2:30pm and 7pm - we remember the death of Christ throughout the day, first at the liturgy of Good Friday at noon, then in the Memorial Quiet Garden at 2:30pm and finally at the Taizé service at 7pm. Help needed: members of the congregation to give testimony at the noon service about the enduring presence of God in their lives even through loss, people willing to read parts of our Gospel story, people willing to come and share stories at 2:30pm in the Memorial Quiet Garden as we grieve loss and share hope, people to help set up for the Taizé service and lead singing. Easter Day - 6:30am, 9am and 11am - Vigil, service of light, and the Eucharist of Easter. Easter Day is our most holy day of the year. This year, having been asking questions about the format of the Vigil service I am going to ask you to join me in this: a real start at dawn with storytelling about the history of salvation in the half light in church as the day begins, before we witness the resurrection together. That means starting at 6:30am in the Memorial Quiet Garden. I am going to be asking for feedback on this specific service after we have put it on this year to see if we continue it in this form in future years. But come along and take part in this moving part of our tradition. Our 9am and 11am services will follow their usual patterns, with coffee hour in-between them alongside the Easter Egg hunt. Help needed: Readers for the Vigil service who are willing to make their 'reading' more like a dramatic piece of story telling. Someone to make breakfast for the faithful vigil attenders who got here so early. People to co-ordinate Coffee Hour set up and tidy up, people to bring cookies and other treats. To take part in any of these opportunities, please email me at [email protected]. Please also look for sign-up sheets that will be appearing during the coming weeks in church. I love Holy Week, it is a great time in the year of the Church and I look forward to it being a time that the community comes together and shapes our common prayer in a way that will bring us to life. Love, Matthew+ Images during Lent On the cover of Journey this month we have a photo inspired by our theme: "Guide my feet". People have been amused, engaged, and participating in our Facebook project to take a photo and upload it with the hashtag #guidemyfeet. See the gallery page later on in this issue of Journey for other photographs inspired by this theme. Book Groups: Crazy Christians Our Book groups continue to meet as Lent continues, come along at noon or 6pm on Wednesdays to take part, or simply read the book in your own time and know that you are joining in with the whole community. Youth Confirmation Classes Youth are gathering every few weeks during February-May to explore what it means to make a mature commitment to lifelong faith formation. Youth will be invited to participate in the Diocesan General Confirmations on June 4th. The parish will celebrate with participants, mentors and leaders on Sunday, June 5th. Episcopal 101 Matthew is continuing to offer his informal course on what it means to be an Episcopalian on Thursday nights once a month. The evening is designed around a potluck dinner, and we talk about a subject that previous participants have asked about. The original date for the next session has been moved as it fell on St. Patrick's Day, please see the revised schedule below: May 3rd at 6:30pm - Why do we pray this way? With a focus on Episcopal Liturgy, the Saints' in the Episcopal Tradition and the importance of the Eucharist. May 19th at 6:30pm - (change of subject matter based on feedback) All you ever wanted to ask about Sex for Episcopalians but were afraid to ask. Rector's Sabbatical Matthew will be taking a short part of his sabbatical right after Easter this year as he travels to Israel with the Jewish Community Relations Council of San Francisco. This trip will be with other community leaders and will be designed to help participants get a greater appreciation of the challenges that exist in Israel, particularly in relation to the conflict with Palestine. This trip will last from April 6 - April 17 and Matthew will be stopping over in the UK on his way home arriving back in the Bay Area on April 26th. Monica and Fran will provide liturgical and pastoral care during Matthew's absence. The remainder of sabbatical time this year will be in September, October and November. More on that in a future issue of Journey. News & Announcements Girl Scouts "My Promise, My Faith" Pin Girl Scouts have participated in the first four steps toward earning the "My Faith, My Promise" pin, with Rev. Monica and Michele Maia. This pin can be earned each year by Girl Scouts in grades K-12 by completing a five-step journey that explores how the Girl Scout Law relates to our faith teachings. The final step will be completed on Girl Scout Sunday, March 13 at the 10:30 am service. The girls will participate in leading parts of the worship service and will receive their pins. If you have any questions please contact Michele Maia, [email protected]. Transfig teens Program during Lent and Easter A number of our teenagers are engaged in Confirmation preparation during Lent, but if they have extra time and for those who are not in confirmation classes we will be joining with St. Matthew's, St. Paul's and Trinity for youth activities over the next few months. Please see the dates below. More details as they are available. Sun. March 13 - 5pm Agape Meal (see page 4 for more details) Sun. April 10 - 5pm - activity to be determined We are working on our own end of year plans and because of some calendar clashes (not least with finals week for many students in San Mateo) we have decided not to take part in the end of year activity on May 22. Watch future Journeys for a year end activity for our own youth, and details of Senior acknowledgement Sunday. Second Harvest Food Bank The Second Harvest food barrels in the Narthex are empty and ready to receive your donations of non-perishable food items to help feed the hungry in our community. We will be collecting food donations through Palm Sunday. Bob Adams will deliver them to the Second Harvest Food Bank during the following week. Thank you for your support of those in need. Zen Meditation - Wednesdays at 7pm Renshin Bunce is offering a Zen Meditation group practice in our chapel on Wednesday evenings. This group practices Zen Meditation in the style of Shunryu Suzuki Roshi, as taught at San Francisco Zen Center for over 50 years. The group is open to anyone interested. This is an informal meeting of friends who sit for 30 minutes and then read one of Suzuki Roshi's talks together. Renshin is a priest in the Suzuki Roshi lineage. If you usually sit on a zafu, please bring it along. If you have a copy of "Not Always So," please bring that too. If you're new to meditation, please send a note and she'll be glad to meet you a little early and talk about the basics of this approach. There is no charge, but donations are appreciated to help cover space use costs. Contact: [email protected] Good Friday Offering for the Diocese of Jerusalem and the Middle East During Lent each year we make a symbolic journey to Jerusalem, remembering the events in our Lord's life and especially those which took place during Holy Week. Every Good Friday since 1922, all Episcopalians have been asked to make offerings to support the work of the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem and the Middle East as a way of uniting ourselves with those who live there today. The Diocese encompasses 37 parishes and 33 schools, medical facilities and vocational training schools throughout Israel, Palestine, Jordan, Lebanon and Syria. The doors of it's facilities are open to all regardless of faith tradition. Several members of our congregation have visited many of these schools and parishes and Matthew will do so when he visits the Land of the Holy One next month. Indeed, he will be carrying our gifts with him when he travels there. Envelopes designated for this special offering will be available in the narthex at all services during Holy Week. Please make checks payable to Transfiguration, with Good Friday Offering noted in memo line. If you would like to know more about the work of the Diocese of Jerusalem, please see this website: This Week Sunday, March 6 The Fourth Sunday of Lent 8am Traditional Eucharist 9am-noon Youth Confirmation Session 2 10:00am Community Eucharist 6-9pm Sine Nomine Rehearsal (Parish Hall) Monday, March 7 11:00-noon Preschool activity (Parish Hall) 3:15pm Snake Dragon Club -Japanese language storytime (classrooms) 7pm FA Meeting (Parish Hall) Tuesday, March 8 9am Morning Prayer (Good Shepherd, Belmont) 5-10-11:30am Staff Meeting (Parish Hall) 7pm AA Meeting (classrooms) 7:30pm Finance Team Meeting Wednesday, March 9 9am Morning Prayer (Chapel) 10:30am Gospel Preview (Parish Hall) noon Lent Book Group (Parish Hall) 3pm Good Grief (at Judy Castillo's) 3:15 -5:45pm Looking Glass Korean Learning Center (classrooms) 4-5:30pm Looking Glass Korean Learning Center (classrooms) 6-7:30pm Lent Book Group (Parish Hall) Thursday, March 10 9am Morning Prayer (Chapel) 10am Transfig Fireflies (Parish Hall) 6:30pm Vestry Meeting (venue tbd) 7:15pm Peninsula Young People's AA (Parish Hall) Friday, March 11 9:30-10:30am Preschool activity (Parish Hall) Saturday, March 12 8:45-11:15am Looking Glass Korean Learning Center (classrooms) 9:30am-1:30pm AA Group - AA district of San Mateo (Parish Hall) 3-9pm Ragazzi Boys Chorus (on site - Parish Hall & church) 7pm Ragazzi and Harker School Concert (Church) Sunday, March 13 The Fifth Sunday of Lent (Daylight Savings Time begins) 8:00am Traditional Eucharist 9am-noon Youth Confirmation Session 3 9:30am Joyful Noise Eucharist 10:30am Musical Eucharist noon - 1pm Transfig Choir Rehearsal (church) 5-7pm Transfig Teens to Agape Meal with St. Paul's, St. Matthews' and Trinity youth 6pm Distil (Young Adults) Dinner Club at Dawn's Regularly Scheduled Programs: Morning Prayer (with Good Shepherd, Belmont) Tuesday mornings at 9am @ Good Shepherd Wednesday mornings at 9am @ Transfiguration Thursday mornings at 9am @ Transfiguration Gospel Preview Wednesday mornings, 10:30 - noon (Bible study and conversation) in the Parish Hall Transfig Fireflies Thursday mornings, 10am - noon (playgroup for 0-5 yr olds and their caregivers) in the Parish Hall Holy Week & Easter Palm Sunday, March 20, 10:00am A parish-wide Eucharist which will begin outside on the hill with a palm procession to the church and the Passion Play. There will also be storytelling and an activity for the children. Maundy Thursday, March 24, 6:00pm Agape Meal in the parish hall, a procession to church and stripping the Altar and start of the Vigil. Maundy Thursday, 8pm through Good Friday, 10am Vigil with one hour shifts through the night. Good Friday, March 25 noon Liturgy of Good Friday 2:30pm Remembrance in the Memorial Quiet Garden 7:00pm Taizé service Holy Saturday, March 26 9am - noon Parish Work Morning 2-3:30pm Choir Rehearsal (church) Easter Day, March 27 7:00am Vigil & First Eucharist of Easter 9:00am Joyful Noise Eucharist 10:15am Easter Egg Hunt and Easter coffee hour 11:00am Festival Musical Eucharist of Easter Second Sunday of Easter, April 3 8:00am Traditional Eucharist 10:00am Community Eucharist Third Sunday of Easter, April 10 8:00am Traditional Eucharist 9:30am Joyful Noise Eucharist 10:30am Musical Eucharist |
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