From the Rector
Coloring Covers It was fascinating to notice the trend for adult coloring. There have been adult coloring books since the 1960s, but a new trend really took off in 2015. These books give their users the chance to unwind at the end of the day. Some commentators have suggested that they are inviting us to get in touch with our inner child. Some have even suggested that coloring is an attempt to escape reality by retreating into a childish activity. I don't agree. We pray together as a team each week during our staff meeting. We rotate bringing a meditation activity. Over the last year, coloring has been used for this activity a few times and we realized just how meditative coloring can be. Far from being an escape from reality, I think that coloring can be a 'mindfulness' activity, it asks us to slow down and pay attention, to become really focused. Our Coloring Covers in the last month have been attempts to create a new way for you to do this. We are always looking for new ways to engage members of our community in prayerful activities. We want to provide you with tools to deepen your spiritual life. So we thought it would be great to use the space on the front of our bulletins to create a new way of engaging in meditation (you can also do this at home if you take the bulletin with you). So color away in church, or take the cover home and color there. We have crayons available if you need them! We have offered four coloring covers now. We are going to keep going for a little while. We may even collect them together in a book at some point. Today's cover is an image from our church landscape. If you have an idea for a cover theme, let Noreen in the office know and we may use your idea on a future cover. Love, Matthew+ News & Announcements Graduates Today we recognize our graduates (though not all are here today, so we will recognize others on another Sunday). We have three High School graduates this year: Congratulations to Rebecca Robinson, Louis Villa and Maggie Phillips! Congratulations also to Eve Kearns and Camilla Krause graduating from Middle School. Service Schedule As outlined in a previous Announcement sheet we are moving to a simplified pattern of services with three services every week at 8am, 9:30am and 10:30am. On five special Sundays a year we will have one parish-wide service at 10am. Watch out in the announcement sheet for these occasions. We hope that our first Sunday services at 10:30am will remain a time for experimentation in new liturgical ideas and new music. This will develop over time. Your feedback is ALWAYS welcome on any changes we make. Confirmation Welcome - June 5th Next week we welcome and celebrate the youth who are newly confirmed: Eve Kearns, Camila Krause and Desmond Hart. Thank you to the mentors who have helped them prepare: Matt Longnecker, Bethany Lukach, Dace Samta, Dawn Bailey, Aidan Jobe Sea and Jessica Jobe Sea. We will also recognize those members of our community who officially have joined The Episcopal Church: Ann-Marie Wiese and Matt Longnecker. Upcoming Home & Hope hosting We are hosting homeless families in our Parish Hall, June 12-19. The sign-up sheet for volunteers is online: More news on Home & Hope next week. Sunday Summer Surprises We take a break from children's program for the next two weeks, but coloring and creative activities will be available in church. Then Summer Sunday Surprises starts! The activities take place during the 10:30am service over the Summer months, beginning June 19. Come along and join in the fun! A sign up sheet for volunteer is available at the back of church and online on our parish website. Reading Together Through the Generations It's more fun to read books together. Let's do a monthly book club this summer and discuss it together over tea and snacks on the last weekend of June, July and August. The idea is to select 3 heart warming books that young readers to young adults to young grandparents would enjoy reading. Some suggestions include: Pippi Longstocking by Astrid Lindgren, The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein, Anne of Green Gables by L M Montgomery, and A Matter-of-Fact Magic Book: No Such Thing as a Witch (A Stepping Stone Book by Ruth Chew), and Wonderstruck, by Brian Selznick. And there is SO much more to choose from. If you are interested in participating, please speak to Michele Charles to nominate your favorite book and your preference for meeting time on a Saturday or a Sunday afternoon on the last weekend of each month. St. Margaret's Guild - May Ingathering Today is the last Sunday for donations to St. Margaret's Guild ingathering for the Teen Van and Teen Homeless Shelter: a program run by Packard Hospital for Children at Stanford, providing for needs of homeless youth in the Peninsula and South Bay. Thank you to all who donated items. For more information, please speak to Nancy Burnett. This Week Sunday, May 29 The Second Sunday after Pentecost 8:00am Traditional Eucharist 9:30am Joyful Noise Eucharist 10:30am Musical Eucharist Monday, May 30 Memorial Day Holiday Parish Offices Closed 7pm FA Meeting (Parish Hall) Tuesday, May 31 8:45am Ministry Team - Liturgy subcommittee Meeting 9am Morning Prayer(Good Shepherd, Belmont) 6:30pm New Millennium Chamber Orchestra rehearsal (Church) 7pm AA Meeting (Parish Hall) Wednesday, June 1 9am Morning Prayer (Chapel) 10:30am Gospel Preview (Parish Hall) 7pm Zen Meditation Group (Chapel) 7pm FA Meeting (Parish Hall) Thursday, June 2 9am Morning Prayer (Chapel) 10am Transfig Fireflies (Parish Hall) 3:30-8pm Myriad Music Dance Rehearsals (church) 4pm Staff Meeting (Parish Hall) 7:15pm Penin. Young People's AA (Parish Hall) Friday, June 3 3:30-5pm Girl Scout Brownie Troop(Parish Hall) 4-9:30pm Myriad Music Dance Recital(church) Saturday, June 4 10am General Confirmation at Grace Cathedral 3-5pm Jennifer Ho Student Recital(church) Sunday, June 5 The Third Sunday after Pentecost 8:00am Traditional Eucharist 9:30am Joyful Noise Eucharist 10:30am Musical Eucharist 1-4pm Snake Dragon Club-Japanese storytime group event (Parish Hall)
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